KeyTwine ltd.

KeyTwine we do consulting for Platform Engineering and Systems development. Specialised PaaS, IaaS, containers and Cloud Native infrastructure.

Currently KeyTwine operates as a sole trader by Hector Rivas Gandara (aka Keymon).

Héctor Rivas Gándara

Including a Masters Degree on Computer Engineering, I have up to 20 years of experience on Linux. I have deep experience on PaaS (specially Cloud Foundry) and automation of platforms and Systems.

With several years of experience on Web Operations, networking, web application, content distribution (CDN), High Availability and Systems Reliability. I strive to enable the company to smoothly deliver new features without downtime.

As developer, I know multiple languages specially Golang, Ruby, Python. I do development of backing and platform services, and also able to analyse, customise and/or contribute back to existing projects and software.

Experience working and automating AWS, some with GCE & Azure, but also private clouds (e.g. VMware).

Worked with platform as code and automation tooling like terraform, ansible, chef, etc.

I got experience in implementing Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines in all sizes of development teams and organisations. I am specifically fond of new CI systems like .

I am advocate and really fond of DevOps practices and principles: automation, infrastructure as code, reduce feedback loops, self service, cross team collaboration, etc.

Technologies I have worked recently or I am interested on are: Golang, Ruby, Cloud Foundry & Bosh, Kubernetes, docker,, etc.